What People Are Saying

Selected Comments on the Report

"Knowledge is power, and this engaging resource provides nonprofit leaders and supporters the information they need to advocate for the continued vitality of their missions. As a former congressional staffer, I also think this should be required reading for our elected officials as they consider how policy changes will impact this vital sector of our society."

Amanda Tyler, Executive Director, BJC

"If you’re not sure what the nonprofit sector means to our communities, our economy, or the important issues we face as a society – look no further. This easy-to-understand report makes it clear why everyone should care about the health of nonprofit organizations – and should rally behind critical issues that are impacting the nonprofit sector’s ability to continue its good work on behalf of us all."

Anne Wallestad, President & CEO, BoardSource

"This report is a terrific resource for anyone looking to better understand the nonprofit sector in this country. The report blends data and stories to provide readers with critical insights about the scope of the sector, the breadth of its work, and the challenges it currently faces."

Sarah Gelfand, Vice President, Social Impact Programs, Fidelity Charitable Trustees’ Initiative 

"This is a vital intervention to document, celebrate, and defend the role of nonprofits in our communities, economy, and culture. The National Council of Nonprofits has done it again."

Darren Walker, President, Ford Foundation

"This is a treasure trove of valuable information about the U.S. nonprofit sector provided in a way that is easy to read, understand, and remember.  It will be useful to policymakers, practitioners, researchers and other stakeholders who care about the state of civil society in America."

Nick Deychakiwsky, Civil Society Program Officer, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

"Like many others on the frontlines in our communities, our nonprofit is getting better at telling our individual story of impact. What’s wonderful about Nonprofit Impact Matters is that it tells the bigger story of how nonprofits, collectively, are making a difference. Thank you for compiling all of this information into one easy-to-use resource."

Caren A. Forsten, Executive Director, Prevention of Blindness Society of Metropolitan Washington (D.C.)

Media Coverage of Nonprofit Impact Matters

Selected Tweets

"The nonprofit sector has much more power than we know, and certainly much more than we use.  If you care about preserving a thriving civil society in the US, then you must read this new resource from @NatlCouncilNPs."

Kathy Reich, Ford Foundation

"I just read @NatlCouncilNPs recent publication, Nonprofit Impact Matters: How America's Charitable Nonprofits Strengthen Communities & Improve Lives. Wow, Tim Delaney, an excellent job, a true primer on what I still like to call the social profit sector."

Tamara Copeland, author, Daughters of the Dream

"#NonprofitImpact Matters from @NatlCouncilNPs. So important! Huge props to them for putting this essential resource together!"

Phil Buchanan, Center for Effective Philanthropy

"#Nonprofits impact us all, whether we realize it or not. Here are a few examples from our new report #Nonprofit Impact Matters of how you may have interacted with nonprofits throughout your life. Read more at http://bit.ly/nonprofitimpact and share the #NonprofitImpact on your life"

Henry Berman, Exponent Philanthropy

"Think you know everything about charitable #nonprofits? Think again. Be sure to check out this new report from @NatlCouncilNPs that presents the latest data on the scope + impact of America's charitable nonprofits."

Philanthropy Network

"I don't know the last time I was so excited about a report. It's way more than a report -- the online resources for #nonprofits are awesome. This is stuff I've looked for all over the place. Thanks to @NatlCouncilNPs for putting it all together for us."

Curtiz Klotz, Director of Nonprofit Innovation, CLA Nonprofit

"Finally! Everything -- including data -- you've ever wanted to know about nonprofits is finally in ONE ACCESSIBLE place w/ @NatlCouncilNPs new report. Definitely a must read & must save! #nonprofits #charities #philanthropy #civilsociety #civicengagement"

Cynthia Gibson, Cynthesis Consulting

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